

Oct. 24, 2003

Hi, You may not know me but on the history of the Rose Parade Troop page, there is a picture at the top of the Troop. It happens to be Troop 67. I am in the front row, the left most person. William Greenamyer is the name. In 1967, I carried the theme banner. I also marched in the 1969 parade (lead banner). Had to do a search to find the website. I was looking for some other stuff on NESA and had a photocopy page in one of my Eagle packages that listed the Scoutmasters up to the 2004 Troop. I think I got it at a Commissioners meeting. I use information like this and scholarships and stats on the number of Eagles each year to hand out to my new Eagle Scouts. I am the District Advancement Chairman/Eagle Board Chairman for the Mission Amigos District.

William Greenamyer

Tournament Troop 67
Tournament Troop '67