Important Dates

2025 Tournament Troop Schedule

All dates and times are subject to change

    Tournament Troop 2025 Schedule
September 12, Thursday - Boy Scout Interviews 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
            @ Church of the Good Shepherd - FULL UNIFORM  This is required event one day only.
September 14, Saturday - Boy Scout Interviews 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM
            @ Church of the Good Shepherd - FULL UNIFORM

October 16, Wednesday - Parade Orientation Meeting 7:00 PM
           @ Arcadia Masonic Lodge Auditorium – FULL UNIFORM This is a required event. 

November 2, Saturday - Scout Reception 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM
            @Tournament House - FULL UNIFORM
December 7, Saturday - Picture Day and Flag Practice 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
            @ Tournament Housel -FULL UNIFORM This is a required event.

December 14, Saturday –First Marching Practice 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
            @John Muir High School Athletic Fields – No Uniform  This is a required event.

December 15, Sunday - Elks Lodge Breakfast 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
            @ Arcadia Elks Lodge – FULL UNIFORM

December 18 & 19, Wednesday, or Thursday - Uniform Turn-in 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
            @ Church of the Good Shepherd, 400 W Duarte, Arcadia  This is a required event. One night only

December 21, Saturday -Second Marching Practice 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
            @ John Muir High School Athletic Fields – No Uniform  This is a required event.

December 27, Work Party 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
        @ Tournament House – No Uniform

December 28, Float Visit 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM TBA
        @ Rosemont Pavilion – No Uniform

January 1, 2025, Wednesday – Parade Day 3:00 AM
        @ Church of the Good Shepherd   THIS IS THE BIG EVENT.

Tournament House: 391 S. Orange Grove Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91184
Arcadia Elk’s Lodge: 27 W. Huntington Dr., Arcadia, CA 91006
Arcadia Masonic Lodge: 50 W. Duarte Rd. Arcadia, CA. 91007
Arcadia High School: 180 Campus Dr., Arcadia, Ca. 91007
Church of the Good Shepherd – Methodist – 400 W. Duarte Rd., Arcadia, CA 91007
Arcadian masonic lodge: 50 W. Duarte Rd. Arcadia, CA. 91007
Rosemont Pavilion: 700 Seco Street Pasadena, CA. 
John Muir High School Athletic Fields – Intersection of Canada Ave and Casitas Ave, Pasadena, CA

Revised 10/31/2024        *All Dates Subject to Change